We exist in a larger context than others can encompass or define.
They have no power to control our reality experience,
unless we choose to let them.
We choose what we orient ourselves around —
whether it’s the distorted reality held in place
by those who claim to have power over our lives
or the undistorted Real World that is aligned with and defined by Larger Source,
and accessed through Life, Truth, Love, Principle, Intelligence, Inspiration, Integrity.
Whichever we choose becomes our plumb line, our North Star.
It is our commitment to, and alignment with, Divine Source
that gives us the strength and power
to overcome the illusion that external negative forces can define, control or defeat us.
I am in the process of defining and creating an ever-evolving new world view
and new vibrational reality for myself.
From the perspective of Larger Source
we can become aware of our soul level desires,
such as for health, abundance, connection with others,
protection from harm, empowerment, stability, security, strength
— in mind, body, spirit and soul.
The next step is releasing what we desire to Larger Source, with Its infinite possibilities,
and open ourselves up to receiving what we desire in whatever form it comes in
(often in unexpected forms).
This is a shift from trying to control what we receive
(which is inherently limited to what we can conceive of)
to welcoming in the Divine Blessings all around us.
Welcoming, as opposed to controlling, changes the paradigm
from a denying, negative, limited Universe to an inherently loving, abundant Universe.
The Larger undistorted Reality that encompasses us all
can only be accessed in present-moment experience
where what is real exists.
From present-moment experience there is always a way forward,
regardless of the perceived circumstances.
Author’s Bio: Jane Ilene Cohen, Ph.D. is an Intuitive & Transformational Counselor, and an NLP & TimeLine Master Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, with a private practice in California. She does individual counseling with adults and adolescents (includes the NLP TimeLine Process and hypnosis), and works with couples, families and other relationships. She is also the Founder of the “Life is Designed to Work” thought system. Her book “Your Life Is Designed to Work: A Psychological and Spiritual Guide” can be found on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578962314 .
For more about Dr. Cohen’s counseling services, go to: JaneCohenCounseling.com . For a free phone consultation to decide if this is right for you, or to make an appointment, call Dr. Cohen at (619) 203-4412.
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