Jane Cohen Counseling
Dr. Jane Ilene Cohen, NLP & TimeLine Master Practitioner (619) 203-4412
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What We Choose for Stability in Life
The concept of a plumb line is useful in helping us understand what we need in order to have a stable source for our survival and well-being:
What Is the Source of Power? Revised
As the presidential election approaches, many of us feel fearful, even terrified, over what might happen if the previous president again gains power.
How to Come into the Present Moment
The ability to come into the present moment is very important. It’s how we know what’s real, as opposed to letting others define reality for us.
Human Versus Divine Love
Our conditional human perception of loveelicits being-in-love fantasy dreamsfloating in an unreal world. We lean on the other to feelvaluable, loved, empowered, that we matter, are wanted, safe… Making the in-loved-with person our plumb line,around which we orient our...
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